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This will need to be installed on an Exchange server, preferably the server with your primary public folder database. Running ExFolders is simple. You will find that ExFolders is a very powerful tool as it relates to public folder Item level recovery, replica verification and the various reports. Clearly there is lots more to explore in the ExFolders utility that can be covered in a short post. Till today we were talking about Exchange Databases, Public Folder and its replication etc, etc…. This is done by going to Tools, Options and enabling logging in the ExFolders console. exfolders exchange 2010

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This tab also provides the ability to change the limits or quotas if necessary.

Exchange 2010 SP1 (and later) ExFolders

You must be logged in to post a comment. Email required Address never made public. ExFolders and has configured it to work with Exchangebut it must be run from an Exchange server Co-existence environment. In order to use ExFolders for recovery of a deleted item, click on the public folder that has excgange item that needs to be recovered.

exfolders exchange 2010

Now that we know what ExFolders can do, you might ask 2001 do I get started? Viewing items in a public folder with ExFolders. This is where all of the exciting information resides.

exfolders exchange 2010

The best idea is to get a copy of the program and start exoflders use it to find out just how ExFolders can add real value to your deployment. It is likely that your public folder design includes a second public folder server that houses a replicated copy of your primary public folder database information.

This is a useful program that originally started as a utility called PFAdmin for administrators who wanted better management capabilities for public folders. When this happens the Outlook Recover Deleted Items fails. It is likely that your public folder design includes a second public folder server that houses a replicated copy of your primary public folder database information. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Please perform above tasks in your Labs before performing in the production servers directly.

Search ramblings Search for: You will find that ExFolders is a very powerful tool as it relates to public folder Item level recovery, replica verification and the various reports. When this happens the Outlook Recover Deleted Items fails.

Check the destination Log file options folder and click ok. Once logging is enabled you can export exchangee different report types. When the report is complete you will see something similar to what is shown below from a permissions export.

exfolders exchange 2010

You should verify that all of your public folders have a replica of the data. Extract to the bin folder as shown below: Then select an appropriate Global Catalog Server, choose your primary public folder database, then click OK as shown below:.


This is where all of the exciting information resides and can only be get using ExFolders and can be accessed. These options can be found by right-clicking on the highest level in the public folder structure.

Alas, WebDAV has run its time and is no longer the flavour of the month, so you need to move to a new interface if you have programs or utilities that are based on WebDAV. Great now you are in ExFolders, you can click on the Public Folders on the left side of the window to exfoldefs presented with a list of exfoldesr public folders in your environment. Once you are in ExFolders, you can click on the Public Folders on the left side of the window to be presented with a list of the public folders in your environment.

October 29, at 9: You are commenting using exfoldes Twitter account. These can also be found on the Tools menu in ExFolders.

Propagate Folder ACEs permissions 2: Microsoft has added some backward compatibility within ExFolders and has configured it to work with Exchangeexfoldesr it must be run from an Exchange server.

"Under the Hood" with ExFolders and Microsoft Exchange

Without proper diagnosis from Microsoft these actions could have negative side effects, so proceed with caution.

Many interesting items can be discovered in mailboxes, such as the structure of the mailbox and the many hidden items that are stored in the mailbox root to be used for Exchange internal processing. When the report is complete you will see something similar to what is shown below from a permissions export.


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